July 18th, 2022
On the occasion of the celebration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of Independence, the Solar Equipment Development Unit (UDES/ EPST CDER ) hosted an award ceremony on July 18th, 2022 of the second edition of the competition organized in coordination with the Education Directorate of the Wilaya of Tipasa, on renewable energies intended for high school pupils, under the title "The Academy of Young Creators in Renewable Energies - An idea, A project, A challenge" in the presence of Mr. Tassalit, representative of the General Director of Scientific Research and Technological Development, Mr. Hadj Arab, Director of the Renewable Energies Development Center (EPST / CDER) Mr. Sahraoui, General Secretary of the Renewable Energies Development Center (EPST / CDER), the Education Director of the Wilaya of Tipasa and officials of the Ministry of Education of the Wilaya of Tipasa.
The welcoming speech of Mr. Abbas who thanked all the persons who contributed to the success of this event was followed by the speech of the Education Director of the Wilaya of Tipasa.
Subsequently, Mr. Tassalit, representative of the General Director of The Scientific Research and Technological Development and Mr. Sahraoui, General Secretary at the EPST / CDER, thanked the organizers of this event for their contribution to its success and encouraged the students participating in the competition for their efforts during their respective interventions.
The objective of the competition is to initiate and sensitize students to the importance of renewable energies in the preservation of the environment, popularize and sensitize pupils on the importance of the renewable energies, the development of innovation and the creation of a spirit of creativity among secondary school students. The representative of the project evaluation commission gave a technical sheet drawn up by the commission; the projects in numbers of eleven were delivered and collected at the level of the National Education Directorate of the Wilaya of Tipaza to be evaluated by a specialized committee in accordance with the following criteria:
After deliberation, the classification was as follows:
An incentive prize for the quality of the model produced was awarded to the secondary school: