From June 20th to 23rd, 2022
On the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of independence and the summer solstice 2022, the Solar Equipments Development Unit (UDES / EPST CDER) organizes “The Renewable Energies Week, energy efficiency and energy transition” from June 20th to 23rd, 2022 at the headquarters of the unit.
The official inauguration of the week was pronounced by Professor T.Sahraoui, Director of Studies at the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT), in the presence of Professor N. Yassaa, Commissioner at the Commissariat for Renewable Energies and energy efficiency, Dr. Hadj Arab, Director of the EPST/ CDER, Dr. K.Imessad, Deputy director of the EPST/ CDER, managers of economic and industrial companies and representatives of associations activating in the field of renewable energies.
In his speech, Mr. Yassaa emphasized on the importance of promoting research results and their application for the realization of the energy transition.
The event targets all categories of society, in particular economic and social partners, associations, scientific clubs, students, and academics, trainees from vocational training centers as well as pupils from the three levels.
This scientific event aims to present and discuss all aspects related to the role of the Solar Equipments Development Unit (UDES / EPST CDER) in the support and success of renewable energis projects in order to guarantee a good energy and economic transition, by presenting the various activities and experiments, as well as the results of scientific research projects carried out by the unit's researchers in various fields of energy applications.
This first day was marked by the signing of an agreement between Shams Djazair startup and the Solar Equipments Development Unit (UDES/EPST CDER).
At the end of the day, the participants visited the capitals and the experimental platforms illustrating the research work carried out by the researchers within the unit through the exposed prototypes, banners and posters.
The second day was devoted to welcoming students and pupils of the three levels, the latter received explanations and presentations at the educational space and the capitals, a campaign to raise awareness and rationalize the use of renewable energy was the subject of the visit.
The third day was devoted to welcoming associations, with the participation of groups of scouts, environmental protection associations as well as pupils and students. The latter visited the capitals where prototypes, models are exhibited illustrating the different realizations of the unit. The researchers gave detailed explanations to the visitors.