Directeur de Recherche
EQUIPE: Applications des équipements photovoltaïques (AEP)
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Post: 198
is a scientific researcher in Solar Equipment Development Unit (UDES)/Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER) since 2009. She received his degree in Electronic Engineering from Jijel University (Algeria) in 2006 and his MSc degree in electronics (Option: Solar Electricity) and her PhD from the National Polytechnic School (ENP), Algiers in 2008 and 2014 respectively. She is actually the team leader of “application of photovoltaic equipments”. She worked in several scientific research projects in UDES. Research interests of Dr. Chekired Fathia focus on the optimization of photovoltaic systems. She focuses also in their research works on the development of intelligent energy management systems in the solar houses and their automation. She has authored and co-authored several technical papers in the national and international conferences and journals. She is also a member in several national and international research projects. Orcid: 0000-0002-6529-1596 Google Scholar :
Drir Nadia, Chekired Fathia, 
"Automatic detection of solar cell surface defects in electroluminescence images based on YOLOv8 algorithm"
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 32, No. 3, December 2023, pp. 1392-1404.
Meflah Aissa, Aouchiche Imen, Berkane Smaïn, Chekired Fathia, 
" Estimation models of photovoltaic module operating temperature under various climatic conditions"
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol32, N01, pages 13–20.
Meflah Aissa, Chekired Fathia, Akel Fethi, Yasmine Y., 
"Lighting System Study in a Solar Smart House in Algeria”
ICARES’22, 18-20 Dec 2022, Journal of Renewable Energies, Revue des Energies Renouvelables, CDER
Meflah Aissa, Benzina Amel, Boucena Lyna, Smara Zoubeyr, Chekired Fathia, Aissat  A, 
"Impact of voltage temperature coefficient on power prediction of four type silicon photovoltaic module technologies installed in real conditions in the north-central of Algeria"
Algerian Journal of Signals and Systems, volume 08 No.1. AJSS. 2023.
Meflah Aissa, Chekired Fathia, Akel Fethi, Yasmine Y., 
"Lighting System Study in a Solar Smart House in Algeria"
ICARES’22, 18-20 Dec 2022, Journal of Renewable Energies, Revue des Energies Renouvelables, CDER.