Maîtres de Recherche Classe "A"
EQUIPE: Equipement et Applications Héliothermiques (EAH)
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graduated with a Ph.D. Degree in Mechanical Engineering in March 2018from the National Polytechnic School of Oran Maurice Audin, Algeria, the thesis project which was in partnership with the University of Minho in Guimarães, Portugal. Currently, he is working as a Research and Development Scientist at the Development Unit of Solar Equipment, Bou-Ismail, Tipaza, UDES–CDER since May 2013. His research works focus on energy planning for the sustainability of energy systems involving economic, environmental, and social dimensions.
Haddad Brahim, Díaz-Cuevas Pilar, Ferreira Paula , Djebli Ahmed,  Pérez Juan Pedro, 
Mapping concentrated solar power site suitability in Algeria
Renewable Energy, Vol 168 pp. 383-853. (2021)
Díaz-Cuevas Pilar, Haddad Brahim, M  Fernandez-Nunez, 
Energy for the future: Planning and mapping renewable energy. The case of Algeria
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 47, 101445
Belhout Dalila, H  Relvas, Haddad Brahim, AI  Miranda, 
Impact of energy efficiency policies on the air quality of a North African urban area: emission scenarios by the horizon 2030
Energy Efficiency 14 (8), 1-14
Djebli Ahmed, Hanini Salah, Badaoui Ouassila, Haddad Brahim, Benhamou Amina, 
“Modeling and comparative analysis of solar drying behavior of potatoes”
Renewable Energy. Volume 145, Pages 1494-1506 ( 2020)
Badaoui Ouassila, Hanini Salah, Djebli Ahmed, Haddad Brahim, Benhamou Amina, 
“Experimental and modelling study of tomato pomace waste drying in a new solar greenhouse: Evaluation of new drying models”
Renewable Energy 133 (2019) 144–155.